The Shire of Amlethsmor
Meetings and Events
Shire of Amlethsmor Calendar
Saturdays Time Varies Fighter Practice Tribble Park,* Hallsville, MO (contact HE Baron Eric St. Leger to confirm).9/10/2017 2 pm Business Meeting Rothwell Park Shelter House #5 (across the road from the Mini-Train), Moberly, MO.
*click on links in addresses to open a Google Map
Business Meetings
Time: Every Second Sunday of every month at 2 pm.
Where: Tribble Park
Arts and Sciences Meetings
Time: Every other week (look at calendar).
Where: 555 Route B, Hallsville, MO.
Fighter Practice
Time: Every Saturday at 3:00 pm during warm weather.
Where: Tribble Park, Hallsville, MO.
Contact HE Baron Eric St. Leger to confirm
Archery Practice
OctoberFist has been cancelled.